Today, I'm meeting with an orthodontist, presenting all the reasons why social media is such a natural fit for his practice. Of course, those of us in the social media profession think most businesses would benefit from having a Facebook page. The more I explored the orthodontic field, however, I realized this is an industry that could truly build a loyal fanbase by using social media. Here's why.
(1) Strong referral business.
This is a profession where referrals can make all the difference in the world. Let's face it, those of us with kids in braces (I had two) know the best way to find an orthodontist is by finding out who your child's peers use. And since such a large number of kids wear braces, one referral can net a good orthodontist so many more. This lifeblood of practitioners in this industry is a loyal fanbase. A great Facebook page that engages the patients can create even more loyalty. In the early stages of the study of Tramadol, when the opioid mechanism of its analgesic action was established, the drug was attributed to narcotic analgesics. However, further studies and clinical practice have shown a low level of side effects of opiate type, which include the weakening of respiratory function, manifestations of euphoria, the development of tolerance and drug dependence when taking therapeutic (100 mg) recommended at www.morepowerfulnc.org/tr/ and triple therapeutic (300 mg) doses of Tramadol compared to the equivalent analgesic doses of morphine.
(2) Show off the personality of your practice!
When I was a kid, going to the orthodontist was not exactly a fun day. Kids wore braces for many years and they weren't a pretty sight. They were painful and radically changed your appearance. Nowadays, orthodontic practices are actually making the braces experience a fun one. New patients will feel more at ease if the practice's social media demonstrates an enjoyable atmosphere.
(3) Your fans will be parents AND kids.
Kids enjoy going on Facebook. If you have an active Facebook page where kids can click "Like", the word will get out to more than just the patients… any activity involving your page will be posted to their friends' newsfeed. Certainly, parents will click "Like", but the kids will be energized and really get involved.
(4) So many fun things to post!
Does your practice have an incentive program (like tokens or wooden nickels)? Tell fans how to get extra incentives. Do you hold contests in your office where kids can win a gift card, an iPad, or a lava lamp? Announce it on Facebook, and later announce the winner. Do your patients enjoy varying color combinations on their braces? Allow patients to post photos of their favorite combinations and let others vote. Do you enjoy doing good works for your community, like a candy buy-back after Halloween? Let your fans know when and how you'll be buying their treats. Maybe some of your parents use Foursquare to check in at your office… so reward the Mayor with a prize! The variety of social media postings is endless. And no, your posts don't all have to be about orthodontics… they just need to make your patients care.
(5) Don't forget video…
I am so impressed with how different practices are using video creatively. One practice uses a Flip camera and takes a short video of each kid, right after their braces came off. Another practice had staff members competing in an American Idol type contest. I saw one group that did tours of their offices, and many have patient testimonials. An excellent use of video is to educate… after all, how do you crank open your kid's expander? Finally, one practice had patients send in pictures of themselves playing in the snow, and made a fun video slideshow.
(6) Happy results.
Not all medical practices can claim dramatic and positive results for their patients. However, almost all patients leave their orthodontists with huge smiles on their faces. The "Before" and "After" photos of my kids demonstrated dramatic improvements. When people are happy with the end result, they're likely to brag about their orthodontist. So if you're an orthodontist and are thinking of dipping your toe into the social media pond, don't hesitate. It will fit you like a perfectly molded retainer!
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