- Image by ge’shmally via Flickr
The season finale for Project Runway Season 8 was a “hot mess”, with two of the regular judges (Michael Kors and Nina Garcia) squaring off against Heidi Klum (the producer) and guest judge Jessica Simpson. During the debate over who should win, the following exchange took place. The line that really got me occurs in the first 5 seconds after Jessica comments the clothes designed by the ultimate winner were “loose.”
If looks could kill, Michael Kors would be dead right now. Jessica Simpson has her own clothing line, so how rude was that!?!? “Hello! Read a magazine!”
Whether you think Gretchen Jones should’ve won Project Runway (I don’t), and whether you think Michael Kors sounds like the love child of Richard Simmons and the Wicked Witch of the West (I do), I also think his behavior was off-putting. Some people think he’s lost his way and therefore, they’re done watching Project Runway (along with those who think Mondo was robbed… and I do). There are others who will express their displeasure the traditional way… by not buying Michael Kors’ products.
Some TV personalities are able to say obnoxious things and get away with it (who hasn’t relished in hearing Donald Trump say, “You’re fired”?), but I don’t think Michael Kors has yet reached Donald Trump status. And now for a moment of levity (The Donald really is a good sport)…
So how does all of this translate to social media? Obviously, there are certain etiquette rules to follow, especially if you want your social media presence to help boost business. Here are a few:
- Don’t be too self-promotional… better to answer people’s questions and demonstrate your knowledge in a helpful, understated way, and therefore build trust. When people find out you’re a professional in your niche, they’ll be more interested in hiring you.
- Don’t claim to be an expert. First of all, are you REALLY an expert, or just a self-proclaimed one? Second, nobody likes a braggart. One of the contestants on a recent episode of “The Apprentice” spent so much time proclaiming herself to be a “musical expert” I wanted to see a piano drop on her head. Maybe she was an expert, but it was completely obnoxious. If you truly are a guru, let your customers and fans call you that.
- Take a stand, but do so tactfully. It’s okay to respectfully disagree with somebody, but to completely belittle somebody is unnecessary. (Ahem, Michael Kors!)
- Don’t give us status updates about what you’re doing every second of the day… let’s be honest, most of us don’t really care. Sure, we want to know what’s happening in your life, and occasionally it’s cool to hear that you’re at Starbucks, especially if you tell us about a new flavor (and by the way, the Peppermint Mocha is to die for). But every single little detail? Sorry, not interested.
- Remember that there ARE boundaries… just because you have a forum to talk about personal stuff doesn’t mean you should. Not everybody with whom you’re connected is a personal friend, so don’t post things you wouldn’t want your grandmother to read. [See my blog “Oh no, Mom’s on Facebook!”]
For more etiquette rules, here’s a great blog.
As we head into Thanksgiving, I challenge you to post something positive and generous in your social media world.. and please comment below to tell me what it was! Have a wonderful holiday!
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November 22, 2010My positive and generous postings this week will be to tweet about the CNN Heroes show, which will be broadcast on Thanksgiving night. I was truly touched by the videos posted on the CNN Heroes website, and can’t wait to see the show Thursday night. I’ve heard it was amazing!