Hello, ladies… and gentlemen.
Look at your Facebook page’s current landing page:
Now look at mine!
Now back to YOUR Facebook landing page:
Sadly, your Facebook landing page is not mine, but it can be…
No, I haven’t gone crazy. I was just inspired for for today’s blog post…
As I was saying… sadly, your Facebook landing page is not mine. But if you wanted to ditch the boring, Facebook page with great content but no way to capture possible fans, then your Facebook landing page could be as great as mine.
Look down.
Back up!
Where are you?
You’re on the Project Social website, looking at an attractive, simple and fun landing page that could help you harness more fans for your Facebook page (if you had one).
What’s in your hand? Back at me!
It’s your mouse! Getting ready to click “Tweet” or “Share” to tell your friends about this post after you’ve realized how much fun you’re having reading this!
So, let’s get down to business… why is it so important to have a landing page for your Facebook page?
Let’s put it this way… when you’re perusing Facebook, do you “Like” a business better that has a landing page (as opposed to one that doesn’t)? I know a business has received some savvy advice when I see a good one.
What makes a good landing page? There are lots of ways to do them, but the most important feature is…
“Ask people to click the Like button.”
I always tell businesses that “Likes” are the currency of Facebook. By getting your fans to click “Like”, you are opening up your fans’ newsfeeds to exposure from their participation on your site. The average person on Facebook has 220 friends. If you have 150 fans, then you do the math… simply by clicking like, you have the possibly of exposure to 33,000 people. If you have a fantastic landing page but no “Click the Like button”, then what’s the point?
It’s best if you can give people a reason to click the “Like” button. The most effective tactic is to offer discounts or goods in exchange for clicking “Like.” Like this:
I’m sure some people looking at my landing page are thinking, “Okay, she didn’t offer anything.” At some point, I plan to offer something to people who click “Like”, but for the time being they’ll need to be satisfied with being “In.” If you’re a yogurt shop, offer a coupon for people who click “Like.” If you’re a weight loss doctor, offer a free eBook on how to lose weight (like this one). You can offer people an opportunity to be a part of a drawing for a free gift card. The options are unlimited.
One of the rules I have about landing pages is to “KISS,” or Keep It Simple Stupid. For example, check out this landing page:
I’m not going to be too critical of this dealership because they have close to 20,000 fans, so they must be doing something right. But I find this page too busy. Now, back to mine:
The difference is obvious… mine is simple with one main goal. It’s not cluttered, it’s not too busy. I Kept It Simple, Stupid. Check out the Facebook page for Red Bull… another great landing page that Keeps It Simple, Stupid.
One other piece of advice is to recommend you use multimedia on your landing page… if you’ve got a video or slideshow which you can incorporate onto your landing page, go for it!
Finally, I’m going to turn you over to SocialBakers who wrote a great article about landing pages. Check it out here…
So what are you waiting for? Your landing page COULD be as great as mine.
(Many thanks to Barbara Ling for inspiring me to use the Old Spice commercial for my blog. She wrote a blog – click here – back in November that has the greatest collection of social media icons I’ve ever seen. Sadly, my blog is not her blog.)
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