Learn Social Media from the Experts! 60 Second University Launches Today…

by Tuesday, March 13, 2012
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Are you looking to use social media to help grow your sales and revenue, but don’t have lots of time to spend learning how?

Perfect… 60 Second University is for you!

After months of hard work, Jamie Turner (the 60 Second Marketer) and I have developed a course that allows you to learn to use social media for your business.  Our course is called “15 Days to Social Media Success” and it is launching today!  Learn from the comfort of your own home… whenever you choose. 

Save Time & Money with Our Couse

I’m sure you’re busy in your day job, trying to run your business.  Perhaps you are a small- to mid-size business and have tried using social media and it’s just not working.  Or maybe you work for a large company and they’ve just handed social media responsibilities to you… But how do you learn what you need to know?

This course is for you.  We have sorted through all of the unnecessary details to get right to the heart of the matter.  We give you action plans, and teach you what you REALLY need to know to run your social media campaign.

What Will I Learn?

Here is the schedule for the course:

Day 1 – Setting Yourself Up for Success

Day 2 – Meet the Big 5: A Quick Start Guide to Get You Going Fast

Day 3 – Essential Secrets: How to Be Likeable on Facebook

Day 4 – The Inside Scoop on Twitter: It’s Not Just For Celebs and Justin Bieber Fans

Day 5 – YouTube for Business: More Than Sneezing Pandas and Dogs Chasing their Tails

Day 6 – Keys to the LinkedIn Kingdom: How to Unlock Networking Secrets

Day 7 – Google+: Making Search Social

Day 8 – Blogging: Your Hub for Content, Search and Social

Day 9 – Your Secret Weapon: Social Media Management Tools

Day 10 – Listening Tools: What Are People Saying About You or Your Brand

Day 11 – All Roads in Social Media Should Lead to ROI

Day 12 – SEO and Search: Getting Yourself Found on the Internet

Day 13 – Email Marketing: Sending Your Message, Loud & Clear

Day 14 – Mobile Marketing – The Next Big Thing

Day 15 – You’re Cleared for Take-Off!

Can you spare 30 minutes each day to learn how to grow your sales and revenue?  Included in each day is a training video, bonus PDFs that go into greater detail, and MP3s of interviews conducted with social media experts. 

Learn from the Experts!

We have interviewed social media experts to get insider tips on using social media to help grow your business.  Here is the line-up of experts in the 60 Second University:

  • Erik Qualman – Author of Socialnomics and Digital Leader
  • Amy Porterfield – Author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies
  • Jay Baer – Author of The Now Revolution
  • Neal Schaffer – Author of Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales & Social Media Marketing
  • Kristi Hines – Founder of Kikolani.com, noted expert on blogging, SEO and Social Media
  • Jesse Stay – Author of Google+ for Dummies
  • Sean Malarkey – Creator of “Twixplode!”
  • Steve Garfield – Author of Get Seen! Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business
  • Kate Buck, Jr. – Founder of Let’s Get Social, training for social media managers
  • Cindy Krum – Author of Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are
  • Adam Naide – Social media strategist for several major brands
  • Eric Enge – Author of The Art of SEO
  • Toby Bloomberg – Author of Social Media Marketing GPS

How Much Does it Cost?

A course like this SHOULD cost thousands of dollars.  But we are only charging $99 for hours of videos, expert interviews and helpful bonus PDFs. 

Better yet, we are offering an introductory price (for the members of the Project Social community) of $79 through March 16, 2012.  That’s a 20% discount!  After that, the price goes up to $99. 

Click here to get started on your journey to social media success!

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