As you’ve perused my website, you may have noticed a little box down in the sidebar called “SixDegrees.org”. Go ahead and look, it’s the second from the bottom… I’ll just wait while you check it out. Then come back here.
You’ve seen it? Great. Have you ever wondered what it is, and why it’s here? This is my way of attempting to use social media for good. Allow me to explain. The Six Degrees organization was started by none other than Kevin Bacon, the ubiquitous actor and subject of the famed “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” game. He decided to create an organization that connects people with various charities around the world.
I could try to explain the purpose of the organization, but Kevin does a better job.
When I heard about SixDegrees.org, I knew I wanted one of those badges on my website. I wanted potential clients and followers to know that I care about more than just making a living… that I also want to do good in this world.
Jared’s Story
So why did I choose Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta? This is a cause that is very near and dear to my heart. On October 18, 2005, my son fell off his bunkbed and severely broke his arm, so badly that we wound up staying in the hospital for 8 days during which he had 4 surgeries. It was definitely the worst day of my life, and perhaps the scariest time I’ve ever experienced. When we arrived at the hospital by ambulance, I was told by one of the doctors, “Ma’am, we’re just trying to save your son’s arm.” Frightening words, indeed.
My son endured 6 months of occupational therapy (also done through Children’s Healthcare) and two additional surgeries afterwards. His injury had a major impact on our family, but also brought us all closer together.
Today, I can tell you with a lot of pride (and yes, some tears in my eyes) that my beautiful son is not only perfectly healed, but is also an avid tennis player and a scarily talented rock climber. The long scar which marred his arm for years has faded so much that if you didn’t know to look for it, you probably wouldn’t even notice it.
Five years ago, I couldn’t imagine this photo would be possible. I feel so fortunate to have this wonderful hospital nearby, and I give unmeasurable thanks and credit to the talented and caring staff at Children’s Healthcare for my son’s recovery. In fact, we made a video about his story (and if you click on “Watch My Video” on the badge, you can see it). Children’s Healthcare truly gave us a gift… my son is whole and healthy again.
This badge is such an easy way to give back. I’d like to encourage and challenge those of you who read my blog to think about causes that are important to you, and to add a SixDegrees.org badge to your website. And of course, I’d be so grateful to any of you who would like to donate using my badge. Kudos to Kevin Bacon for taking what he thought was a “joke at my expense” and using it to make the world a better place.
Related articles
- Kevin Bacon Plays Kevin Bacon’s Biggest Fan in New Ad (tvsquad.com)
- Now you can be one degree from Bacon Kevin Bacon! (popwatch.ew.com)
February 1, 2011Hi, My name is Kate and I work at Network for Good, the nonprofit that partnered with Kevin Bacon to bring you SixDegrees.org. I wanted to thank you for showcasing Six Degrees on your blog. I’m so glad you are using our platform to share your story and spread the word about all the good Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta is doing. I am so glad your son is doing well and enjoying childhood once again.
February 1, 2011It’s my pleasure, Kate. I love Network for Good, and I’m happy to help spread the word. What a terrific organization, and easy way to help make a difference.