As we head into the homestretch for the 2010 holiday season, for many of us, the realization that we have 2 weeks left to complete our shopping is causing a panic. That’s right, it’s time to get serious and start thinking about what to buy our loved ones… and how can we get the best deals? As a bargain shopper, I can tell you that of course, the best way to find those deals is through social media!
Already know what you want to buy? Just plug it into the search bar for Twitter. Inevitably, you’ll find deals that others have tweeted. This was how I found my newest laptop… I’d been following it on Twitter for a week or so, and was quickly losing hope that the mid-range Sony Vaios (not the ones being sold at Staples or Office Depot) would go on sale. Then one morning, the holy grail arrived: Multiple tweets that Sony was offering the laptop I wanted for $230 less than the asking price on the website. I quickly purchased it, and I’m now finishing this blog on my gorgeous new Sony Vaio.
In addition, if you have certain businesses you like, follow them on Twitter. They often have deals available only for their Twitter followers.
Facebook fan pages have become an indispensible marketing tool for businesses. Of course, the first Facebook goal for businesses is getting people to click “Like”, which is the currency of Facebook. So what better way to get fans than to provide a financial incentive? “Click Like to get a special discount.”
Have you ever set up a registry for your wedding or your baby? Tired of getting fruitcakes, or Snuggies for gifts? (Wait, can you ever have too many Snuggies?) There is a Facebook app called “Fulfill My Wishlist” which allows you to set up a gift registry… just because! You list 10 items that you want or have always wanted, and it appears in your Facebook friend-feed, allowing your friends to give you that must have item.
Mobile Apps
For those of you headed to the mall with your smart phones, don’t forget to download the latest mobile apps. First, some retailers (such as Target, Walmart, and Home Depot) have their own shopping apps, and here’s a review of some of those. Many of the location based apps (Foursquare, Yelp) have special deals with certain stores that can get you some amazing deals. Also, here’s a great list of free mobile apps you may want to download to kickstart your shopping… I especially like the “Shopping Goddess” which (like Foursquare) allows you to become mayor, and thereby enable you to win gift cards and special discounts.
Happy shopping! Please comment below, and tell me what’s your favorite holiday shopping social media tip?
Related articles
- Five tips to simplify your holiday shopping on any budget (mamasbagoftricks.blogspot.com)
- Sony debuts VAIO Signature Collection laptops for the holiday season (engadget.com)
- Facebook Gift Wishlists – New App Takes Guesswork Out of Holiday Shopping (socialtimes.com)
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