Tag Archives Facebook

Yes Virginia, you really do need a Social Media Manager.

by Thursday, September 30, 2010

With 500 million users on Facebook, 75 million Twitter accounts, and 66 million LinkedIn profiles, there’s no question that social media is here to stay.Yet, while many understand the value of having a social media presence, keeping up with the pace of the virtual world (as in the real world!) can be a challenge. Updating profiles, commenting ...

Why I Love Fiverr.com

by Monday, September 27, 2010

Image via CrunchBase What would you do for $5?  Two weeks ago one of my mentors, Kate Buck Jr., turned me onto a fantastic website called Fiverr.com.  This website is full of people from around the world willing to do various tasks for yes, you’ve got that right, $5.Some of them are downright goofy… ...

How Facebook Made My Disney Cruise Magical

by Thursday, September 16, 2010

In September 2009, my parents made an announcement: for their 50th anniversary, they were taking our entire family on a fabulous Disney Mediterranean cruise! When I set up a Facebook group page for our sailing, I had no idea it would have such a positive impact on my vacation… and even made it magical.