- Image via CrunchBase
What would you do for $5? Two weeks ago one of my mentors, Kate Buck Jr., turned me onto a fantastic website called Fiverr.com. This website is full of people from around the world willing to do various tasks for yes, you’ve got that right, $5.
Some of them are downright goofy… I will send your child a letter from the Tooth Fairy for $5. I will send you a video of me singing a song in Japanese for $5. I will do anything within reason in a catsuit for $5.
Some sound like a good idea… I will write 20 comments on your blog for $5. I will like and become a fan and suggest or invite my 3,300 loyal friends to your Facebook fan page for $5. I will make a sign promoting your business and walk around in Times Square for $5.
Some of them, however, are an incredible deal. As a professional starting a business on a budget, the things I’ve purchased so far on Fiverr.com just can’t be beat. For example:
● Although I’m starting to get the hang of WordPress, there are some things I simply can’t do. I found a wonderful Fiverr tech guy who helps me every time I have issues or need tweaking of my theme. I send him a list, he fixes it, I pay $5. No brainer.
● Writing for the Internet not your cup of tea? I found some terrific Fiverrs who help put together a bio, and edited some blog posts for me.
● Need some business cards designed? There’s plenty of graphic designers out there who can help you in a flash.
● Do you want to have the coolest Twitter background? You can get one created specially for you on Fiverr.
● Want a custom Facebook tab designed in FBML? Just scour the listings, and you’re sure to find a talented Fiverr who’ll make your Facebook page look amazing.
The skeptics might ask “how do you know these people are any good?” Good question. After all, they’re only asking $5 for their services (and actually, Fiverr keeps $1 so these people only make $4.) Like eBay, Fiverr has a commentary section where you can rate the work done for you. In addition, some Fiverrs provide links to demonstrate their portfolio of work.
Even after you’ve done your homework and carefully chosen your Fiverr, you still might wind up with a turkey. A business card designer tells you he’ll do one set of revisions for free, but then wants to charge you an extra $5 (or “buy another gig” in Fiverr parlance) to fix it. A graphic designer who promises her work in 3 days, but then her laptop breaks down and can’t get it done for you. Still, you’ve only paid $5 so besides time, how much are you really losing?
Give Fiverr.com a try. After all, it’ll only cost you $5.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Fiverr – what would YOU do for $5? (saratsweb.frih.net)
- Faulty Fiverrs (sunbeltblog.blogspot.com)
- Easy Ways To Make Money Online (hellobeautiful.com)
September 28, 2010Great post Karen! Can’t wait to try Fiverr.com!
September 29, 2010Thanks Heidi, I think you'll find some great services there!
September 29, 2010Sounds like a great resource. Thanks for sharing!
September 29, 2010My pleasure, Nicole. It's been invaluable to me so far!