

5 Social Media Lessons Learned from Buddy the Elf

Monday, December 5, 2011

UPDATE: At the time of my recent update to my website, I was scrolling through my blog posts and stumbled across this one. Many social media articles have expiration dates... after all, the landscape is constantly changing. Nonetheless, this one still makes me laugh, and is still amazingly relevant today, even 7 years after it ...

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Podcasting 101 and How to Get Started

Thursday, January 25, 2018

 I recently had the opportunity to explore a new area of social media that I had never tackled, and it has been quite a learning experience. No, clearly podcasting is not "new" but getting it set up was new for me. There are so many different options for podcasting that it could confuse even a tech ...

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5 Things I Learned About Social Media At a DECA Competition

Friday, January 24, 2014

Yesterday, my friend Tammi invited me to participate as a judge in a DECA competition.  Having never been in DECA (an international marketing association of students) in high school, I wasn't familiar with the process but it sounded like a fun change of pace.  It turned out to be an educational experience for me too.There ...

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Can Your Social Footprint Hurt Your College Chances?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Image: www.digitalfamilysummit.comBabies born in this decade may have a problem.  Their lives are documented from the moment their mothers first pee on a pregnancy test stick and triumphantly place photos on Facebook, followed by ultrasounds and photos of the mom's growing stomach month-by-month, followed of course by birth.  Parents photograph their babe's every smile ...

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Is “Blackfish” the modern day version of “Roots”?

Saturday, November 9, 2013

After my most recent blog post about SeaWorld's social media crisis (which occurred following the TV airing of "Blackfish," the documentary from Magnolia Pictures and director Gabriela Cowperthwaite), I wanted to further explore one concept.I commented that SeaWorld's treatment of its killer whales reminded me of slavery in the early days of our country.  In ...

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Did SeaWorld learn nothing from Hobby Lobby’s social media debacle?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Becoming a Fan of "Blackfish"Over the summer, I stumbled across the trailer for a new documentary called "Blackfish" about Tilikum, the killer whale responsible for the death of SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau and two others.  For no particular reason, I've never visited SeaWorld (either as a child or adult), and I've never been a "Save ...

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Hobby Lobby’s Social Media… the Saga Continues!

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Facebook page for craft store Hobby Lobby was a dangerous place to venture last week... what a whirlwind week they've had!In case you hadn't heard about the recent Hobby Lobby controversy, click here for my latest blog post.  That should bring you up to speed!Quite a few things have happened since Wednesday evening when ...

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It’s all Kittens and Rainbows at Hobby Lobby

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Image: IMDB.comIn the 1992 film "School Ties," Brendan Fraser plays a young Jewish athlete named David Green, who hides his Judaism from his peers at a preppy New England boarding school during the 1950s, for fear of being the target of anti-Semitism.  In an ironic twist of fate, 21 years later, a different David ...

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Here’s the Story of a Crowdsourced Logo…

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Outdated and TiredThe old logo.Back in 2010 when setting up my company, one of the more enjoyable tasks was designing my logo.  I wanted colorful (and yes, it HAD to contain purple... I'm a purple gal, and so is Oprah Winfrey).  I wanted speech bubbles and little people.  I don't even remember who I paid ...

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Facebook’s Latest Newsfeed Redesign – Good news for marketers!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Welcome to the new world order... today, Facebook hosted another news conference to unveil (shocker) yet another redesign!Sometimes these announcements tend to elicit yawns (ahem, Graph Search), but today's presentation demonstrated many opportunities for marketers using Facebook to further their business purposes.  The live conference was broken up into 3 sections:Richer PhotosFacebook acknowledged that when ...

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Lifelong Microsoft User to Apple Devotee in 7 Days

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Circa 1987. That's me on the right with my good friend Debbie.My whole life, I was a PC gal.  While in college, I worked as a computer tech on those old-fashioned Macs in Emory’s computer labs.  I really liked those Macs, but when it came time to buy my first computer, I got a PC.Over ...

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5 Facebook Tips To Help You Beat Edgerank That Cost You Nothing!

Friday, January 25, 2013

As a Facebook page administrator, it's quite disheartening to think that only 16% of my fans are going to see my content.  It seems unfair, but that's the way Edgerank (Facebook's infernal algorithm) works.  It can become a battle to ensure that your content is seen by your fans, and of course, Facebook offers the ...

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A Milestone and a Tragedy in Connecticut

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Yesterday was a milestone in our house, a rite of passage.  Elsewhere in the country, there was an unimaginable tragedy.For the last 2 weeks, I had been researching buying a vehicle for our 16-year-old daughter.  Although she had been lamenting for months that she was perhaps the only 16-year-old in Johns Creek, GA without her ...

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The New Big Bird: Romney’s Binders Full of Women

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just for the record... this is NOT a partisan post.  It is merely an observation of a social media phenomenon.  It does not indicate my political preference in any way.The speed of social media continues to impress and awe me.During the debate, in an effort to express his support for women, Republican candidate Mitt Romney ...

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The Taliban, U.S. Elections and Freedom of Speech

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tragedy in PakistanI was horrified recently to learn of a terrible incident that occurred in Pakistan just this week.A young girl named Malala Yousafzai, was riding the bus on her way home from school.  Malala was no orderinary teen in Pakistan.  Since the age of 11, she had been writing a blog for the BBC ...

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