Nuggets from Mari Smith’s Webinar yesterday!

by Thursday, December 1, 2011
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3 Responses
  • Keri at Idea Girl Media
    December 1, 2011


    Wow – I am quite gabby, eh? 

    Mari’s sessions are always good.  So nice to see you there for the chat.

    Thanks for featuring me within your tweet curation! 🙂


  • Keri at Idea Girl Media
    December 1, 2011


    Wow – I am quite gabby, eh? 

    Mari’s sessions are always good.  So nice to see you there for the chat.

    Thanks for featuring me within your tweet curation! 🙂


    • ProjectSocial
      December 1, 2011

      Hi pleasure, Keri!  It’s less that you are so gabby, and more that you do a terrific job at picking up the key quotes and condensing them down to 140 characters!  

      And actually, thank YOU for turning me on to Storify.  I had never seen it used until I saw YOU do a blog post like this!


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